Energy sobriety means reducing energy expenditure by adjusting usage to needs. In October 2022, the French government drew up 15 key measures to be implemented to reduce energy use. Companies, households and local authorities are all concerned. These measures are grouped into four different themes: the fight against electricity waste, energy efficiency, sustainable mobilization and environmental awareness in the workplace. A global approach is needed to guarantee the success of these initiatives and ensure a sustainable energy future for all.
By 2024, the French government has set itself the target of reducing energy consumption by 10% compared with 2021.
Published on 21 January 2025
On August 17, 2015, the French government validated its energy model for green growth. It includes 970 amendments and 212 articles. The texts communicate the actions taken to make the country energy independent. What's more, they're more concerned with protecting the environment, safeguarding public health and combating global warming.
Medium and long-term objectives are to be achieved:
To achieve these objectives, the government has launched campaigns and a plan of measures to be implemented.
A number of challenges lie ahead:
In France, the industrial sector is responsible for 20% of carbon emissions. In its vision for 2030 - 2050, ADEME confirms that industry could reduce its energy consumption by almost 20% compared to 2010.
ADEME confirms that industry could reduce its energy consumption by almost 20% compared to 2010.
The answer is obvious: yes. Even a single person can contribute to this sobriety. The law and the action plan put in place by the government apply to everyone.
There are lots of ways to get involved! This will help preserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help combat climate change.
Saving energy, promoting sustainable transport, reducing food waste, favoring local and eco-responsible products, all count.
Your individual choices, added to those of millions of others, can have a significant impact. This impact can help reduce energy consumption and preserve our planet.
Committing to energy efficiency is not only part of an environmentally-friendly lifestyle, it can also save you money in the long term. Whether by adopting small habits or supporting community initiatives, you're contributing to a more sustainable future for all.
In this infographic, we've put together 20 actions you can take right now, to take part in the energy transition and reduce your energy costs and bills. What are you waiting for?
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